The property has undergone various transformations over the years.
L’immoble ha patit diverses transformacions al llarg del temps.
Font: Covost2
This legend has changed throughout time.
Aquesta llegenda ha anat canviant al llarg del temps.
Font: MaCoCu
The area shows several human occupations over time.
La zona presenta diverses ocupacions humanes al llarg del temps.
Font: Covost2
Various hoax theories have been proposed over time.
S’han proposat diverses teories de falsificació al llarg del temps.
Font: wikimedia
Firstly, the natural rate of interest fluctuates over time.
Primer, el tipus d’interès natural fluctua al llarg del temps.
Font: MaCoCu
Farmhouse formed by the addition of bodies over time.
Masia formada per l’afegit de cossos al llarg del temps.
Font: MaCoCu
Over time a settlement grew up around it.
Al llarg del temps, un assentament hi va créixer al voltant.
Font: Covost2
On the other hand, some establishments have managed to stand the test of time.
Altrament, alguns establiments han aconseguit mantenir-se al llarg del temps.
Font: Covost2
How to make a platform that is adaptable over time?
Com fer una plataforma que sigui adaptable al llarg del temps?
Font: MaCoCu
Over time, a true cult around jade was developed.
Al llarg del temps es va desenvolupar un verdader culte del jade.
Font: Covost2
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